NEM Price Speculation: Is NEM a Good Investment for Me?

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Hi there, thanks for coming by the page today. If you’re interested in learning more about NEM price prediction, look no further than our investment advice here.

Throughout this article we will teach you more about what NEM is, how you can more successfully invest in NEM, predicting short-term pricing, long-term pricing and deciding whether or not NEM represents a good investment for you.

By the end of the article you should have a better grasp on this cryptocurrency. As the 14th largest cryptocurrency by a market cap, it is very important that you can understand the price predictions and learn how to appropriately invest in this cryptocurrency.

There is a lot to get through in this article so please read on if you’d like to learn more!

What is NEM?

NEM is a digital crypto platform and cryptocurrency that was first launched in March of 2015. The system originally watched out of Malaysia and it was designed to be a fork for a cryptocurrency called NXT. The developers instead decided to create a system on their own code base that would be original. NEM is a completely unique system and the name stands for new economy movement.

NEM is a cryptocurrency platform that has a series of applications built on top of it in a method that is similar to programs like Ethereum, Waves and NEO. NEM is a cryptocurrency where you can directly invest in the future of the applications that are being developed on its blockchain. The full system is built using Java programming and it has been developed using C++. The program only continues to upgrade in order to root out new threats.

Many cryptocurrency projects have large goals and NEM is no different. The system isn’t just about establishing a payment method, the token values in the system are actually on the low end of priority for NEM. Some of the main applications that have been developed within the system include crowd funding, loans, legal records, game data, royalties, smart contracts, supply chains, accounting, ownership records, and more. The platform is widely supportive to the launch of ICOs

Has NEM been a good investment for people so far?

NEM has stood as an excellent investment for individuals so far. This is part of the reason we are sharing this article right now!

NEM was considered to be a doorman cryptocurrency for some time. It was trading well below one cent up to March of 2017. Just one NEM coin was trending at less than a fifth of the sent from the launch up until the spring of 2017. This is when the market experienced a massive surge of growth with NEM reaching the top.

As markets continued to surge up until the beginning of 2018 NEM reach well above two dollars. Imagine being able to invest for a fifth of the cent for a coin value and then sell the number that you bought for two dollars a coin! There were a few people that were able to buy at the low-end and then sell NEM.

To give you an idea how much you could’ve made on NEM, if you bought in January of 2016, $100 for an investment would have netted you 588,235 NEM coins. At the top of the market you could cash in those coins for $2.04 per coin. This represents a fortune of around $1.2 million for a $100 investment.

Even with the value of NEM trading at around $.32 as a fairly average standard for the past few months, you could cash out that $100 investment that you made in 2016 for $182,352. Now that you’ve seen some of the examples of the type of growth you can receive from NEM, you can start to understand what makes it such a great investment. Buying in at all-time lows and selling at the high point can really maximize your value.

NEM price predictions for 2019:

NEM is not always easy to predict especially into 2019. We have collected info from several different sources in order to look at some price predictions for the coming year. To an early speculator, the information may just look like a series of graphs but the NEM price prediction can take a bit of an investor’s eye to make sense of.
Wallet Investor is a source that is commonly cited by investment experts but often delivers no reasoning for their conclusions. The one year forecast that it delivers is often a pure simulation based off of hardly any factual evidence. The system also does not explain what NEM is, the timeline of what the blockchain has on hand for new developments or any other information. The graphs are presented in a format that makes sense for a statistical investment only. Wallet investor from its statistical standpoint which is not backed up by any info, suggests that NEM will crash in 2019.

Other sources on NEM predictions like Trading Beasts also come with a purely statistical analysis. The numbers given on the cryptocurrency in 2019 suggest .035 on the low end and an average of .41 for the predicted high. It’s still very unclear where they’re receiving this information.

Long Forecast is a source that delivers very little reasoning for the increases or decreases in NEM. It does show the price down at three cents and the rest of the predictions seem to be basically fabricated from there. It seemed as though the writer is drawing from information that isn’t so readily available.

It’s not wise to invest money based off of information on sites like these. Finding an investment advisor that can deliver real reasoning behind an investment in NEM is much more important. From our perspective, we would speak very highly of NEM and present some reasons why it’s going to increase in 2019.

NEM price predictions for the long-term:

At the end of 2019 it’s estimated that NEM will see some increases. There are a few sites that have attempted to form a justification in this increase but with very little in the form of reputable sources.

Wallet investor made a call in 2019 with a NEM price prediction over five years. It suggested that there’s going to be a price of around $1.247 within the next few years. These figures seem to be pulled out of clean air.

Trading Beasts represent a long-term forecast through the next few years of between $.87 up to $1.28. This places the average value in a long-term investment at $1.02. They haven’t demonstrated any of their work in the form of analysis.

Proven Forecast through have released their own price prediction with some real reasoning in the results. The author worked with Adam Web who is a writer with Smartereum. By examining news on cryptocurrencies, the writer and the speculator work together to provide real reasoning for the NEM coin prediction. By looking into some of the latest developments on the blockchain and the traction of the projects are getting, the article goes on to deliver a price prediction for coins at around $1.65 within five years.

This is one of the best competitive analysis articles ever put out on NEM currency and it should be considered as one of the primary sources for your choice to invest. A secondary author at Smartereum also widely supports the claims and backs up the evidence that Web presents for the prediction of $1.65 within five years.

Palwash Saaim:

Palwasha Saaim is widely considered one of the best speculators in NEM. She recently published a website called Profit Confidential and she has some serious qualifications in the field of cryptocurrency and finance to back up her page.

Saaim is an investment analyst that regularly publishes work for the Lombardi Media Corporation. Saaim recently completed an advanced investigation about NEM price predictions. She goes through the hack on the crypto exchange that resulted in 500 million lost NEM and the effect that it had on the price. Saaim also goes on to investigate the response from the Japanese government to the hack as well as some of the positive steps that NEM took to recover its price.

The article goes on to investigate NEM and compare it to other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum as well. She estimates that NEM may soon get listed on the Binance exchange platform and potentially launch their very own exchange on the platform. She estimates that there should be no problem with NEM reaching well over $1 if they were launch their own trading platform.

The John McAfee price prediction:

John McAfee regularly publishes information on the latest speculation with cryptocurrencies. As he usually has something to say about every new cryptocurrency, it is a little strange that he’s quiet on NEM. Part of the reason why many people are suggesting that McAfee has remained silent on NEM is the price he commands for a tweet or mention. The current going rate to get McAfee to share his opinion on social media is around $100,000. Many cryptocurrencies have used this as a price pump in the past but it seems like NEM wants to grow more organically.

Is NEM a good investment?

All of the people shooting down the concept of NEM probably haven’t done the same amount of research that was completed for this publication. In answering the question of whether NEM represents a good investment as its baseline, it’s important to consider the potential of this platform.

Understanding NEM means understanding that it is a high risk but a very high reward investment. You could retire early by putting just a few hundred dollars into NEM right now. If the platform expands in any way and continues to gain traction, you will very quickly see results if you are able to sell your portfolio worth of NEM.

If you’re going to invest in any cryptocurrency, you need to invest only in amount that you can afford to lose. If your investment was to vanish overnight it’s important that your investment would not affect your quality of life. Putting a few hundred dollars into NEM is a bit of a risk, but if the currency was to reach over one dollar in the near future, the risk would be well worth it.

NEM has some lofty goals for the future and if it is able to reach some of these goals it could outpace even some of the top platforms like Ethereum. If NEM was able to create its own trading platform and if some of its most promising projects were to take off on its blockchain, it could easily be worth around $7.55 or the same market cap as Ethereum. This reflected price would be if absolutely every goal with NEM comes to fruition.

NEM is set to disrupt a number of industries with the innovations that it has planned. If some of the technology in this platform was widely adopted it could represent a token value that is worth trillions of dollars. NEM could be substantially more valuable than it is today if just a few of the main projects being developed within the blockchain happen to take off.


NEM price predictions are not exactly an easy market for speculation. Although we went through a number of sources that are unverified, it’s important to root out some of the articles that deserve real highlighting. You need to consider that a few articles are not enough reason for you to sink your life savings into cryptocurrencies. Our price protection articles and the sources that we’ve highlighted are still something to be considered a very high risk and high reward investment. We want to be as transparent as possible and this means understanding some of the risks including:

  • Competition platforms for cryptocurrency
  • New technology that could surpass the NEM blockchain
  • Government regulations that could prevent the trade of cryptocurrencies.

Having a definitive price for an asset like NEM is virtually impossible. Even though NEM is considered a risk, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t invest. The platform could take off in a massive way and just a few hundred dollars could result in thousands or even millions down the road.

If you do decide to invest in NEM, make sure it is a non-consequential amount of money. If the project fails and the price drops, you need to be able to walk away unscathed.

With some of this information in mind, do you think NEM had a chance to be the next big thing in cryptocurrency? Does NEM seem as powerful as Ethereum? Leave your comments below!

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